New season starts 5th September
Our first club night of the new season will be on Thursday 5th September 2024 from 7:30pm until 10:00pm at Ipswich School.
New players
We welcome new players, from complete beginners through to experienced club players. For experienced players we have our regular club, which is the largest competitive league club
in Ipswich. For players with less experience, or players wishing to take up Badminton we run a beginners and improvers club, where we offer support and coaching.
If you are interested in joining us then feel free to contact Brendan on 07984 159969
or Glenn on 07720 828697. You can also download our membership form below and return it to Glenn at the address on the form.
You are also most welcome to just turn up on a Thursday evening from 7:30pm onwards.
League teams
Home league matches are played on a Tuesday night at various times between 8:30pm until 11:00pm at Ipswich School, with up to two home matches being played per night.
We have 8 teams in the Ipswich and District League, making us one of the largest league clubs in Ipswich.

We try to keep our membership cost as low as possible so that cost is not a bar to people participating in the club. One of the ways we do this is to make a part of our annual
membership a voluntary donation. By doing this we can claim back Gift Aid from this amount for all normal rate taxpayers. This arrangement allows us to keep costs to a minimum
for all members.
The membership cost for the 2024-2025 season is a maximum of £75.00 and is broken down as follows: -
£30.00 | Club membership | This is the clubs fixed membership fee |
£30.00 | Voluntary donation | This is a donation we ask you to make towards the running of the club |
£15.00 | BAE membership | BAE membership provides you with insurance whilst you are playing badminton |
Prospective new members may attend on a "pay as you go basis" for up to five sessions before committing themselves to membership.
Each "pay as you go" session is charged for at £6.00 and all such payments are deducted from the annual membership cost when a person goes on to become a member.
You can pay your club fees using online banking. The details are:
Account name: Corinthians Badminton Club
Account number: 61021370
Sort code: 40-25-31
If you pay by this method then please send an email to Adam so that I can look out for your payment